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$ 19.95

You, as Nancy Drew, intern undercover in a prestigious fashion design studio in Paris. The lead designer, Minette, hasn’t quite been herself lately. She hides behind a white mask and often throws tantrums, even firing several employees. Mysterious threats arrive at the old windmill studio and other troubles lurk in the underbelly of the City of Light.

Can you help Minette release her latest clothing line on time? Or will your sleuthing abroad meet an unfashionable end?

Meet the Suspects

Minette – Why is this famous couture designer acting strangely and wearing a mask? Unwelcome surprises and looming deadlines cause her to throw tantrums and fire employees. She’s your boss, so watch out, or else you’ll blow your cover!

Jing-Jing Ling – A perfect size 12 with a taste for mint chocolate chip cookies, JJ was tricked into signing an exclusive fitting model contract for Minette. A little revenge could go a long way to satisfy someone who deserves her just desserts.

Dieter von Schwesterkrank – As a famed photographer, this suspect dated Minette, but the romance fizzled. He also obsessively searches for his great uncle’s lost treasure. Is he trying to get revenge for his broken heart or does he know the secrets of the moulin?

Jean-Michel Traquenard - THE critical voice when it comes to fashion. A writer of nasty reviews for Glam Glam magazine, this author is unpopular and scorned as a “conceited Nichtsnutz” by some. Having the power to shape the fashion industry can corrupt and lead to some reckless behavior!

Heather McKay – Endures the nightmare that is Minette to gain a foothold in the fashion industry. After all, the quickest way to the top is to steal trade secrets, dethrone the reigning queen, and appoint yourself as the successor.

System Requirements:

  • 400Mhz Pentium
  • 64MB RAM
  • 300 MB hard drive space
  • 16-bit color graphics video card with at least 16MB of VRAM
  • 16-bit Window-compatible stereo sound card
  • 12X CD ROM
  • Mouse and Speakers

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